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Weekly Review: 5/8/23 to 5/12/23


My Weekly Review Process


I started the week with little to show for it on Monday. I played what I was supposed to, but my thresholds were hit, and looking back, I got in too soon and sold too soon. Other than that, I was dead on with the play. It was more of a timing/patience game. Which is hard to work on when I am still trying to gain confidence.

Tuesday continued to provide adamant resistance to success. I was 100% ready for opportunities, but the follow-through on my plays left much to be deserved. Nonetheless, I played what I needed to play and left it at that. Frustration was definitely building up here. 

On Wednesday, more testing of patience and timing. I still need to improve in achieving profitability, but I am on the right track with my chosen plays. The opportunities were clear, but my mindset and self hindered my success. I see it more clearly than ever. Relinquishment will help correct this, and patience and mindfulness will help stabilize it.

The day ended as a loss day, but I severely hindered my profitability with my self-baseline. The trades I took should have been more profitable, but I was the one who severely limited them. So my loss was just a loss and was a good loss, as expected.

Things started to turn on Thursday. This was the day I began to complete my new worldview for life and trading. The idea of relinquishment will be instrumental in my growth.

I am starting to understand that I fear uncertainty very profoundly. Even though I perceive and know my decisions, there lies the illusion in my choices. Knowing makes uncertainty low or eliminates it for me. But in reality, uncertainty is in everything all the time. The impermanence of everything is reality.

Change is the actual variable. 

I am very resistant to change, and why is that?

Knowing the decision or a path makes me comfortable, knowing that my way will have a set outcome. As a result, uncertainty is low, and I can trust my decision. But in reality, uncertainty and change are in everything, so the decision I made and the basis on which I made it has no foundation to be true.

It is an illusion I created for myself.

When uncertainty is involved in my decision process from the very beginning, I accept and adapt accordingly.

I think this trading day highlighted that when I have made adjustments before, I would always use the big knob to focus and always seem to overshoot and miss my field of view. When you throw uncertainty into the mix, it allows you to fine-tune so overshooting the field of view does not happen. As a result, I could better take what was offered today. If I couldn't adapt/change my thinking and wanted things to work out the way they had in the past, where I missed them, I would have failed or been frustrated with the result.

It seems I have been too black and white; now I see the power in seeing in shades of grey.

Friday was an excellent continuation of the previous day and yielded decent results. I had mistakes today but still dead on with my plays. Overcompensating was a higher issue previously. Now that I am more aware of the uncertainty of everything, I can eliminate or severely reduce my overcompensation.

Relinquishment is a tool to be free and present at the moment. Awareness is a huge component of everything.


My new worldview for life, especially for trading, is starting to come into focus, and as Thursday and Friday as indicators, it looks promising. 

  • Focus on Intraday System Pattern A.
    • Pattern A: reaction zone cross-overs with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce.
    • If a move is in favor, take partial or all profits to minimize risk.
    • Patience will give me what I seek.
    • It is a time-and-self game now.


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