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Showing posts from April, 2023

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 4/28/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on  Intraday System Patterns A .  Pattern A:  reaction zone crossovers with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce.  FOCS ON (1) CONTRACT FOR PLAN OPTIMIZATION. FOCUS ON THE ONE PLAN THAT CAN PROPEL ME FORWARD DAILY. GIVE PLANS THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND LET THEM PLAY OUT. BE WARY OF SUCCESS AND THE REGRESSION METRIC (MINDFULNESS) REFLECTION Yesterday was a fantastic day. I learned a ton from paper trading, and opportunities were everywhere. I captured decent opportunities in paper trading but still need to grow. As today starts, I am conflicted because the more I paper trade, the more it seems like achieving absolute consistency gets further away.  I do not want paper trading to be a norm, even though it will most likely help me in the long run. A new change in strategy needs to be considered. Incorporating paper trading as a tool for tricky or frustrating days can be used to step back and re-evaluate.

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 4/27/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on  Intraday System Patterns A .  Pattern A:  reaction zone crossovers with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce.  Fewer trades with  more confidence. Focus on  SPY and TSLA options ONLY! Time to  simplify  the process and improve/reach the next level. Do not give in to negative triggers. Do not give losers more time! FOCUS ON POSITIVE TRIGGERS FOCUS ON ADAPTING TO PRICE ACTION FOCS ON (1) CONTRACT FOR PLAN OPTIMIZATION. FOCUS ON THE ONE PLAN THAT CAN PROPEL ME FORWARD DAILY. GIVE PLANS THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND LET THEM PLAY OUT. BE WARY OF SUCCESS AND THE REGRESSION METRIC (MINDFULNESS) REFLECTION I am in a very different place than I imagined, but I think it is for the better and will be a foundation for further growth. I need to further discover the fundamental issues with my trading.  What is true for me? I trade consistently, resulting in the performance I achieve. I win more often than I lose.

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 4/26/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on  Intraday System Patterns A & B .  Pattern A:  reaction zone crossovers with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce.  Pattern B:  key levels for a KL reject or KL bounce. Fewer trades with  more confidence. Focus on  SPY and TSLA options ONLY! Time to  simplify  the process and improve/reach the next level. Do not give in to negative triggers. Do not give losers more time! FOCUS ON POSITIVE TRIGGERS FOCUS ON ADAPTING TO PRICE ACTION FOCS ON (1) CONTRACT FOR PLAN OPTIMIZATION. FOCUS ON THE ONE PLAN THAT CAN PROPEL ME FORWARD DAILY. GIVE PLANS THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND LET THEM PLAY OUT. BE WARY OF SUCCESS AND THE REGRESSION METRIC (MINDFULNESS) PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News It looks like we have Durable Goods Orders at 5:30am PST as the high-impact news today. Looks like we broke key support and are trending down for now. let's see where we want to go today! SPY For today, I have these levels

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 4/25/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on  Intraday System Patterns A & B .  Pattern A:  reaction zone crossovers with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce.  Pattern B:  key levels for a KL reject or KL bounce. Fewer trades with  more confidence. Focus on  SPY and TSLA options ONLY! Time to  simplify  the process and improve/reach the next level. Do not give in to negative triggers. Do not give losers more time! FOCUS ON POSITIVE TRIGGERS FOCUS ON ADAPTING TO PRICE ACTION FOCS ON (1) CONTRACT FOR PLAN OPTIMIZATION. FOCUS ON THE ONE PLAN THAT CAN PROPEL ME FORWARD DAILY. GIVE PLANS THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND LET THEM PLAY OUT. BE WARY OF SUCCESS AND THE REGRESSION METRIC (MINDFULNESS) PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News It looks like we have CB Consumer Confidence at 7:00am PST as the high-impact news today. Looks like we are trending sideways for now. let's see where we want to go today! SPY For today, I have these levels marked:  Reactio

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 4/24/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on  Intraday System Patterns A & B .  Pattern A:  reaction zone crossovers with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce.  Pattern B:  key levels for a KL reject or KL bounce. Fewer trades with  more confidence. Focus on  SPY and TSLA options ONLY! Time to  simplify  the process and improve/reach the next level. Do not give in to negative triggers. Do not give losers more time! FOCUS ON POSITIVE TRIGGERS FOCUS ON ADAPTING TO PRICE ACTION FOCS ON (1-2) CONTRACTS FOR PLAN OPTIMIZATION. FOCUS ON THE ONE PLAN THAT CAN PROPEL ME FORWARD DAILY. GIVE PLANS THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND LET THEM PLAY OUT. BE WARY OF SUCCESS AND THE REGRESSION METRIC (MINDFULNESS) PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News It looks like we have no high-impact news today. Looks like we are trending sideways for now. let's see where we want to go today! SPY For today, I have these levels marked:  Reaction Zones:  412.50ish (yellow zone)- Gap

Weekly Review: 4/17/23 to 4/21/23

  My Weekly Review Process OVERVIEW I started the week patiently executing trades on Monday , missing some opportunities but otherwise satisfied with my performance. I remained focused on only trading the RZ cross-overs for the rejects or bounces and KL rejects or bounces.  The week progressed similarly on Tuesday , Wednesday , and Thursday . Again, most of the week performed as expected while waiting for and executing setups. Furthermore, it was very low-key and very non-stressful. But things took a turn on Friday , where mistakes occurred, and my emotions got the best of me. Having been trading well and extremely patient all week, I strongly "regressed" to the mean.  Friday resulted in abysmal emotional management and inferior discipline , a drastic shift from what unfolded all week.  I am glad it was not a strategy issue since I had recently worked hard to refine my strategy. However, I admit that sometimes everyone must fall prey to mistakes and, at some point or anothe

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 4/21/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on  Intraday System Patterns A & B .  Pattern A:  reaction zone crossovers with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce.  Pattern B:  key levels for a KL reject or KL bounce. Fewer trades with  more confidence. Focus on  SPY and TSLA options ONLY! Time to  simplify  the process and improve/reach the next level. Do not give in to negative triggers. Do not give losers more time! FOCUS ON POSITIVE TRIGGERS FOCUS ON ADAPTING TO PRICE ACTION FOCS ON (1) CONTRACT FOR PLAN OPTIMIZATION. FOCUS ON THE ONE PLAN THAT CAN PROPEL ME FORWARD DAILY. GIVE PLANS THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND LET THEM PLAY OUT. PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News It looks like we have no high-impact news today. Looks like we are gapping slightly down again today. let's see where we want to go today! TSLA looks like it may have found some support.  let's see if this holds! SPY For today, I have these levels marked:  Reaction Zones:  413.

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 4/20/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on  Intraday System Patterns A & B .  Pattern A:  reaction zone crossovers with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce.  Pattern B:  key levels for a KL reject or KL bounce. Fewer trades with  more confidence. Focus on  SPY and TSLA options ONLY! Time to  simplify  the process and improve/reach the next level. Do not give in to negative triggers. Do not give losers more time! FOCUS ON POSITIVE TRIGGERS FOCUS ON ADAPTING TO PRICE ACTION FOCS ON (1) CONTRACT FOR PLAN OPTIMIZATION. FOCUS ON THE ONE PLAN THAT CAN PROPEL ME FORWARD DAILY. GIVE PLANS THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND LET THEM PLAY OUT. PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News It looks like we have no high-impact news today. Looks like we are gapping down again today, so maybe another reversal trend? let's see where we want to go today! TSLA reported earnings yesterday after hours; it seems like an earning loser. I will re-evaluate, and my strategy will

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 4/19/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on  Intraday System Patterns A & B .  Pattern A:  reaction zone crossovers with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce.  Pattern B:  key levels for a KL reject or KL bounce. Fewer trades with  more confidence. Focus on  SPY and TSLA options ONLY! Time to  simplify  the process and improve/reach the next level. Do not give in to negative triggers. Do not give losers more time! FOCUS ON POSITIVE TRIGGERS FOCUS ON ADAPTING TO PRICE ACTION FOCS ON (1) CONTRACT FOR PLAN OPTIMIZATION. FOCUS ON THE ONE PLAN THAT CAN PROPEL ME FORWARD DAILY. GIVE PLANS THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND LET THEM PLAY OUT. PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News It looks like we have no high-impact news today. Looks like we are gapping down today, so maybe a pause on all this strength? let's see where we want to go today! We have TSLA's earnings today after hours, so we should have some decent plays coming up tomorrow. it looks like TS