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Showing posts from July, 2023

Option Day Trading: 7/3/23

  My Daily Process for Trading Options DAY GOALS & RULES TRADING PROCESS Focus on  reaction zone cross-overs  with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce. For continuation outside of determined zones, check for any intra-day new RZ formations for fractal continuation. Only enter if the setup is triggered. $500 position only. Maintain a 10% loss structure  ($150 max loss with $500 positions) . If three losses on any day, I will be done for the day. When 8am PST occurs, then done for the day. MINDSET BE DISCIPLINED. BE PATIENT. BE MINDFUL. RELINQUISH. EMBRACE UNCERTAINITY. EMBRACE CHANGE. REFLECTION I took almost a month-long hiatus from journaling online to focus on developing psychological and trading processes. If I have any readers, my apologies, but it was necessary for a momentary break. As a result, I have refined my process further, and is more specific and robust. I am also working on a new tracking spreadsheet, so updates will be made soon. PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News We